Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

Hosta is native to northeast Asia

Hosta (genus)
Hosta is a genus of twenty-five to forty species from the asparagus family (Asparagaceae).

The genus is native to northeast Asia. The botanical name is also used in Dutch. In older literature it is known as the botanical name Funkia against, this name is no longer used. The Japanese name is "Giboshi. Taxonomists disagree on the number of species. The genus can be roughly divided into three subgenera. Mutual fertilization between species is generally best. All species have the same chromosome number (2n = 2x = 60) with the exception of Hosta ventricosa, a natural tetraploid seed that is self-pollination. Many forms that were described earlier as a separate species, are now regarded as a cultivar, such as Hosta 'Fortunei.

There are many hybrids and cultivars. In the Netherlands Arboretum Trompenburg the holder of the national plant collection of hostas.

The wild species are few offers on the market. Since 1800, the plants start exporting. Among other Philipp Franz von Siebold was responsible. He has discovered plants, but also cultivars, which Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegans' one of the best known.

Meanwhile, cross, breeding and spontaneous hybridization thousands are created, many of which originated in the United States find. In 80 years, many are on the market which are quite similar. Meanwhile, many people are going to make real improvements. This can in several areas. We mention a few: Fragrant hostas, better colors, better zontolerant, thicker blade for better slag resistance, better and better mini-hostas with various flower colors.

The hosta is a beautiful solid garden plant, which is traditionally planted in shade gardens. That is fine, but nowadays there are many hostas that do well in half the sun, and there are pretty much even in full sunshine.

Also in the Netherlands by a number of breeders developed new cultivars.
Source: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hosta_(geslacht)

See Also: Sending Flowers, Online Florist

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