Borage (Borago officinalis), occasionally also referred to as written, or borage borage is a spice and medicinal plant in the family of the Borage Family (Boraginaceae). The original Mediterranean-based plant has been cultivated since the late Middle Ages in central Europe and is therefore one of the archaeophytes.
The popularly used occasionally for this plant name is derived from the characteristic dill cucumber flavor from the leaves. In the vernacular, the plant bears because of their striking blue flowers and the beautiful blue sky star name. Other popular names are the heart of joy, and Wohlgemutsblume Liebäuglein.
The common name for borage, a number of different explanations. Some authors derive from the Latin word borage Borra, "Woven fabrics of rough wool" off, and suggest a relationship with the hairy stems and leaves. Other authors are of the opinion that the name originated from the Arabic abu-r rach, "father of sweat" and refer to the language used in folk medicine property of borage, induce sweating. Occasionally, borage but also the Celtic word borrach (= courage returned).
The annual herbaceous plant is up to 70 inches high and has bristly stems and on leaves. The tough leaves are dark green, lancet-shaped to ovate and ten to fifteen centimeters long. From May to September, the plant bears bright blue flowers, sitting on each one about three inches long flower stalk. The flowers are five parts. The five sepals are lanceolate from corners, and are driven back during the heyday of star-shaped. The five petals are blue in the middle of the flower throat five scales and the lilac stamens are so close together that they form a scattering cone. The ovary is upper and is like the pen on the inside of the scattering cone.
The flowers are chiefs. This means that first the pollen is formed, and only when the bloom is older and in the female stage is to take the now mature scars brought to the pollen pollinating insects. This mechanism prevents the plant itself pollinated.
The dye contained in the flowers acts as an indicator. As he litmus turns red when he comes in acidic solutions. In older flowers, a light red color is observed.
For beekeepers of borage is one of the bee pastures. The blue flowers have bright Strichsaftmale, visible to pollinating insects to humans but without aids are not recognizable.
In addition to bees, particularly bumblebees to seek to find the nectar the flowers. The pollinating insects fly the nodding flowers from below and in compliance with firmly by the throat scales. Touch the outside of her litter in a cone chiefs Stadium located blossom, opens the scattering cone, and pollen on the insect trickles down. With flowers that are in the female stage, the style is up out of the stamen cone. Insects pollenbestäubt visit a flower, press there, the pollen on the stigma of the style.
See also: International Flower Delivery, Florist
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